Estimate for translation services (standard text)
Please enter the number of words (explanation*) of the document you want to have translated, then click on “Calculate”. The prices indicated in Euro, £ and $ are approximate due to variations of the change rate.
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Estimation of costs, standard text, in CHF
Estimation of costs, standard text, in EURO
Estimation of costs, standard text, in GB £
Estimation of costs, standard text, in US $
Estimate with daily update of change rates or with currencies not available here
* Explanation: If you don’t know the exact number of words, you can assume a rough average of 320 - 450 words per full page in A4 format (which can vary significantly depending on font size, paragraphs, text style, language etc.)

yourtext.ch / yourtext.com
Translation services
Basel, Switzerland
Design & Copyright © JM Friedli, 2010